Saturday, September 16, 2017

Independent Education Plan (a wake up call)

Independent Education Plan (a wake up call)

     It's funny you think you as a parent know your child the very best... But sometimes it takes a new situation to show you how wrong you were.  My son A is five and I scheduled him for Kindergarten testing back in May. I have worked with him the last 2 years especially with preschool readiness workbooks and apps. I did know that he struggled with these some; however not having any other experience to base this off just assumed it was typical for a young child. On the day of the testing I was devastated to learn that A had not only a speech issue (we had thought that might be the case) but also that he was very delayed in several areas.  
      So began a very scary journey for us.  Several meetings with school professionals and teachers ensued and evaluations were made to asses the needs my son had.  I went through a whirl wind of emotion from horror to relief, knowing that everyone in his little world would be doing what they could to support A.  Accompanied to these feelings was the stereotype I had erroneously associated with an IEP (Independent Education Plan).  I ignorantly believed it meant that A would not be challenged and get lost labeled learning disabled.
      Luckily A's support team not only supported him but also me and helped me understand that this plan would not hold him back but instead, fill the educational gaps he might experience.  along with this IEP they also decided the best educational fit for him would be preschool instead of Kindergarten giving him an extra year to learn, grow, and overcome.  A decision that my husband and I were are very pleased with.  
      Fast forward two weeks into the school year and I am pleased to say A is doing amazing! Adapting so well to the change in environment.  He is excited every single day to go to school and is sorely disappointed that he has to take weekends off.  A has blossomed so much these few short weeks and I could not be happier.  Sure I was petrified in the beginning but now I am so very thankful for that IEP. 


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